ROSPA and CPD Certified Online Health and safety Training
Why settle for anything less when you can now afford to use super-effective e-learning, online health and safety training to train your staff on the health and safety essentials? We have a wide range of online courses available that are highly engaging and are used by start-ups, SMEs and global brands to train their workforce on the key elements of safety in the workplace.
Not only this but our e-learning courses are very affordable, up-to-date and easy to use.
All companies and employers have to comply with the ‘Health and Safety at Work Act‘ and this is just one of the many reasons why H&S online training makes sense. It costs less to deploy than traditional training, provides an audit trail of the learners, is highly engaging and relevant and always deliver continuity in your health and safety messages.
Course List
Prices for courses listed below are £25 per course. If you wish to purchase 3 (this can be 3 different for one person or 3 of the same course for 3 different individuals) cost will be £18 per course. 3+ are £15 per course. Contact me to arrange booking a course or to discuss your needs for your business.
- Accident Investigation Interactive
- An Introduction to LOLER
- Anti-Bribery
- Anti-Money Laundering
- Articulated Forklift Truck Operations
- Asbestos Awareness Interactive
- Building Resilience
- Bullying and Harassment
- Bullying and Harassment for Employees
- Child Safeguarding
- Cleaning and Containing Chemical Spills
- Conflict Management
- COSHH Interactive
- Display Screen Equipment Interactive
- Driver Safety Interactive
- DSE Workstation Assessment
- Effective Communication
- Electrical Safety
- Environmental Awareness Interactive
- Equality and Diversity
- Fire Extinguisher
- Fire Safety Interactive
- Fire Warden Interactive Training
- First Aid
- Food Allergens
- Food Hygiene
- Food Hygiene (Portuguese)
- Food Hygiene Level 2 (Polish)
- Food Hygiene Level 2
- General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
- Hand-Arm Vibration (HAV)
- Health and Safety for Managers
- Health and Safety Induction Interactive
- Health and Safety Induction Interactive (Factory)
- Home Working Health & Safety Interactive
- Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Basic Safety Awareness
- Infection Prevention and Control Interactive
- Information Security
- Interactive Flash Courses
- Internet Etiquette
- Ladder Safety
- Latvian Health and Safety Induction
- Legionella Awareness
- Lone Working Interactive
- Managing Home Workers
- Manual Handling Interactive
- Menopause Awareness
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Interactive
- Modern Slavery Interactive
- Office Safety Interactive
- Permit To Work
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Phishing, Malware and Online Security
- Polish Food Hygiene
- Polish Health and Safety Induction
- Presentation Skills
- Problem Solving
- Protection Against the Effects of Noise
- Risk Assessment Interactive
- Romanian Health and Safety Induction
- Safety Hazards
- Setting SMARTER Goals
- Sexual Harassment
- Shift Working and It’s Risks
- Slips Trips and Falls Interactive
- Stress in the Workplace
- Stress Management and Coping with Pressure
- Underage Sales
- Whistleblowing
- Working at Height Interactive
- Working from Home Effectively
- Working with Disability in the Workplace
- Writing in Plain English